I have submitted to U.S. Pipeline 30 applications from the ranks of our member rolls . After many conversations with the Union Stewards and Business Agents of Local Union 1097 Laborers, Local Union 49 operating engineers and Local Union 798 Pipeliners and the Teamsters Local Union 346 we have received an offer to get on the "D" list of Local Union 1097 Laborers out of Virginia, Mn .
I had 15 confirmations to travel to Virginia,Mn and was on hand there to assist this welcomed opportunity,and as of today we got Two (2) Men dispatched out of this Hiring Hall and hope for many more . I was informed that 35 Native Americans either by word of mouth or Local T.E.R.O. Tribal offices also Put The Word Out, Much to the Malaise of Business Manager Tim McCauley of 1097 Laborers. He Did Mention when this Pipeline Work was over" There Would Not Be Any More Jobs"and i thanked him for the ones, these members of ours are being considered upon receipt of a Monthly 30.00$ fee required to be on this "D" list.
I Sincerely hope someone can help us continue our efforts to be a tool for all Unions to provide for their AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Goals.