Friday, April 9, 2010


I contacted Martha Fasthorse about the mainstream media's reluctance to cover the topics our Native Candidates want to bring to debate.We want to change how these Legislators take our votes and casino money and leave us in the cold and claim our reservations represent these issues alone for our people while we continue to not develope a comprehensive plan to end this genocidal hands off approach.Those supposedly commissioned to protect our American Civil Liberties continue to hide this Euro-passive aggressive behavior at every opportunity in their struggle for acknowledgement of a job they do NOT do.Especially the Minnesota Governorship Race to the Top. Martha ,upon hearing this invited us to be a part of her show ,multi media and cultural awareness efforts . Curtis Buckanaga provided the Campaign perspective for Nicole Beaulieu, Minnesota House District 4A candidate and myself Candidate for Minnesota Senate District 4,discussing the socio-political factors that hide under every imagineable nook and cranny of the Mainstream Euro-American Culture . Mother Earth Hears us and has provided us with yet another weapon from her bosom for her Warriors For Justice.